Facilities Available

HST has housing available on campus for both single and married students. Campus residents must take at least six hours in the fall and spring semesters and three hours in the summer.


James A. Harding-G.C. Brewer Apartments

These apartments provide space for both married and single students. The six two-bedroom apartments are reserved for families with children, while the 12 one-bedroom apartments are for couples without children and single students. You may download floor plans for the two-bedroom apartments and the one bedroom apartments.


Benson Apartments

These five town houses were constructed in 1997 in honor of the late Dr. George S. and Marguerite O. Benson. These apartments house 8–12 single students and 2–3 married couples.

Note: There is no storage space available on campus. No pets are allowed except fish.

Rent & Fees

Housing for off-campus students:

  1. Email the housing coordinator to arrange for short-term housing.
  2. Intensive course week: $200/person
  3. Apartment for one night (per person): $75

Reserving Apartments to live on campus:

Please contact Tina Rogers to reserve housing on campus. You can reach Tina by phone at 901-432-7730 or by email at tprogers@harding.edu.

For more information, please request a copy of the rental agreement from the housing coordinator.

  1. General charges
    • Security Deposit: $300
    • Key deposit: $2.50/key
  2. Harding-Brewer Apartments (rent includes utilities)
    ​Rent is added to the student’s​ account. ​Rent is due on the first of each month.​​

    • Single students: $300/month
      • Two single students per one-bedroom apartment.
      • Apartments for single students are furnished
    • Married students (unfurnished):
      • One bedroom: $570/month
      • Two bedroom: $645/month
  3. Benson Apartments (rent includes utilities)
    ​Rent is added to the student’s​ account. ​Rent is due on the first of each month.​​

    • Single students: $300/student monthly
      • Up to four single students per two-bedroom apartment.
      • The School of Theology furnishes the apartments for single students.
    • Married students (unfurnished): $785/month

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