Apply for an Asian Mission Sabbatical

, 2024The Hogan-Cate Asian Missions Endowment honors the missionary efforts of Steve and Jeannie Cate in Indonesia, and Gordon and Jane Hogan in Singapore. The endowment was established in celebration of the 60th wedding anniversary of Tine and Carlo Tabalujan by the Tabalujan family.

The sabbatical recipient is an outstanding male or female missionary, church worker or ministry leader based in an acappella church of Christ in Asia (this covers East and North Asia, South East Asia, South Asia, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific).

The sabbatical is for a period of between three to five months commencing each August. Funds could cover airfare, housing on campus, food, transportation, tuition for audit or credit courses, Christian counseling and visiting churches and ministries in Searcy, AR.

Applications should be submitted to by January 15, 2024. A committee will review all applications and award the grant by January 31, 2024. 


Gordon Hogan

The sabbatical recipient is also expected to participate in the Harding University Bible Lectureship (conducted in the Fall each year) and other special events at Harding University for spiritual renewal and to promote missions in Asia.

> Information Sheet

> Hogan-Cate Grant Application

Sabbatical Recipients

2013 Tan Beng Chuan, Singapore

2014 Ong Kok Bin, Malaysia

2015 David Allen, Thailand

2016 Hideki Ataka, Japan

2017 Ong Chong Fatt, Maylasia

2018 Adrian Teo, Singapore

2019 Eddie Lee, South Korea

2022 Naoyoshi Fukushima, Japan

2023 Kenneth Gong, Malaysia.

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