A select list of Oxford Academic Journals are provided full-text to HST students, faculty, and staff.

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HST Library provides full-text access to the following Oxford Journals titles:

All title are indexed in full.

Title Year Volume
Applied Linguistics1996-Vol.17, no.1-
Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume1996-Vol.70, no.1-
Christian Bioethics1996-Vol.2, no.1-
Early Music1996-Vol.XXIV, no.1-
English Historical Review1996-Vol.111, no.440-
Essays in Criticism1996-Vol.XLVI, no.1-
Journal of American History1996-Vol.82, no.4-
Journal of Church and State1996-Vol.38, no.1-
Journal of Hindu Studies2008-Vol.1, no.1-
Journal of Islamic Studies1996-Vol.7, no.1-
Journal of Language Evolution2016-Vol.1, no.1-
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy1996-Vol.21, no.1-
Journal of Semitic Studies1996-Vol.XLI, no.1-
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology2013-Vol.1, no.1-
Journal of the American Academy of Religion1996-Vol.LXIV, no.1-
Journal of Theological Studies1996-Vol.47, no.1-
Literature and Theology1996-Vol.10, no.1-
Mind1996-Vol.105, no.417
Modern Judaism: A Journal of Jewish Ideas and Experience1996-Vol.16, no.1-
Monist1996-Vol.79, no.1-
Music & Letters1996-Vol.77, no.1-
Musical Quarterly1996-Vol.80, no.1-
OAH Magazine of History1996-Vol.10, no.2-
Oxford Journal of Law and Religion2012-Vol.1, no.1-
Past & Present1996-Vol.150, no.1-
Philosophical Quarterly1996-Vol.46, no.182-
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society1996-Vol.96, no.1-
Public Opinion Quarterly1996-Vol.60, no.1-
Review of English Studies1996-Vol.47, no.185-
Sociology of Religion1996-Vol.57, no.1-