Degree Programs

Harding School of Theology offers three master’s degrees: Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Christian Ministry, and Master of Divinity, and a doctoral degree: Doctor of Ministry. These overviews will help you see the various emphases of the degree. Click here to consult the catalog for additional information and requirements. All of our master’s degrees are available online with minimal residency requirements.

Here is a video with Director of Admissions, Lucas Suddreth, detailing the degrees offered here at HST!

Master of Arts

Program: 36 hours

The Master of Arts degree program prepares students for teaching and for further research in their chosen area of concentration. Emphasis in the program is on scholarly research. The M.A. degree is designed to provide a foundational understanding of one of four areas: New Testament, Old Testament, Historical Theology, and Systematic Theology.

Please see the Master of Arts in the catalog for a full description of the degree and additional requirements.

I. CORE (12 hours)

  • BMIN 5990 – Advanced Theological Research
  • BOLD 5001 – Advanced Introduction to the Old Testament
  • BNEW 5201 – Advanced Introduction to the New Testament

Choose one:

  • BNEW 5230 – Basic New Testament Exegesis
  • BNEW 5321 – Advanced New Testament Exegesis (required for New Testament concentration)

II. Area of Concentration (12 hours)

III. From Area(s) other than Area of Concentration (6 hours)

IV. Research (6 hours)

Thesis (6)


Guided Research (3) and Elective (3)

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

Program: 48 hours

The Master of Arts in Christian Ministry degree is designed to equip students for leadership in some form of specialized ministry in churches or other settings, such as missions, youth ministry, campus ministry, women’s ministry or worship ministry.

Please see the Master of Arts in Christian Ministry in the catalog for a full description of the degree and additional requirements.

I. Nondepartmental (3 hours)

  • BMIN 5990 – Advanced Theological Research

II. Ministry Core (15 hours)

  • BMIN 5873 – Leading Churches in Mission
  • BMIN 5801-3 – Theological Foundations for Ministry (3 1-hour courses)

Choose one:

  • BMIN 5810 Sermon Development and Delivery OR
  • BMIN 5830 Biblical Preaching

Choose one:

  • BMIN 5920 – Multicultural Ministry OR
  • 5910 Global Evangelism

Choose one:

  • BMIN 5875 – Congregational Ministry OR
  • BMIN 5901 – Spiritual Leadership OR
  • BMIN 5730 – Counseling Skills

III. Theological Foundations (6 hours)

  • BDOC 5400 – Systematic Theology

  • BHIS 5640 – Stone-Campbell Movement

IV. Biblical Foundation (15 hours)

  • BOLD 5001 – Advanced Introduction to the Old Testament
  • BNEW 5201 – Advanced Introduction to the New Testament
  • BNEW 5230 – Basic New Testament Exegesis*
    • Old Testament textual course
    • New Testament textual course

V. Electives: (9 hours)

*Students who wish to pursue the Greek language track are encouraged to take BNEW 5230 Readings in the Greek New Testament as an elective and BNEW 5231 Advanced New Testament Exegesis in lieu of 5230 Basic New Testament Exegesis.

Master of Divinity

Program: 75 Hours

The Master of Divinity degree lays a solid foundation for a lifetime of ministry through a focus on spiritual growth, research tools, and practical ministry skills. This seminary degree provides opportunities and encouragement for personal spiritual growth, an understanding of Scripture and theology, an introduction to the historical and cultural contexts of churches, and both an understanding of and supervised experience in major aspects of ministry.

Please see the Master of Divinity in the catalog for a full description of the degree and additional requirements.

I. Nondepartmental: (3 hours)

  • BMIN 5990 – Advanced Theological Research

II. Biblical Division: (30 hours)

  • BOLD 5001 – Advanced Introduction to the Old Testament
  • BNEW 5201 – Advanced Introduction to the New Testament
  • BNEW 5320 – Readings in the Greek New Testament
  • BNEW 5321 – Advanced New Testament Exegesis

Two textual courses (one from the Old Testament, and one from the Gospels, Pauline literature, or Acts) (6)


  • BOLD 5090 – Hebrew I
  • BOLD 5091 – Hebrew II
  • BNEW 5310 – Greek I
  • BNEW 5311 – Greek II

III. Theological Division: (15 hours)

Recommended sequence: Take 5601 and 5602 before taking 5400 or 5450.

  • BHIS 5601 – History of Christianity I
  • BHIS 5602 – History of Christianity II
  • BHIS 5640 – Stone-Campbell Movement
  • BDOC 5400 – Systematic Theology

Choose One:

  • BDOC 5450 – Contemporary Christian Thought
  • BDOC 5520 – Faith and Reason
  • BDOC 5550 – Ethics and Character Formation
  • BDOC 5555 – Seminar in Theology

IV. Ministerial Division (18 hours)

  • BMIN 5801-03 – Theological Foundations for Ministry (3 1-hour
  • courses)
  • BMIN 5873 – Leading Churches in Mission
  • BMIN 5730 – Counseling Skills

Choose one:

  • HOML 5810 – Sermon Development and Delivery OR
  • HOML 5830 – Biblical Preaching

Choose one:

  • BMIS 5910 – Global Evangelism OR
  • BMIS 5920 – Multicultural Ministry

Choose one:

  • BMIN 5875 – Congregational Ministry OR
  • BMIS 5901 – Spiritual Leadership

V. Electives (9 hours)

Doctor of Ministry

30-hour hybrid program

The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree is a 30-hour hybrid program designed to help ministers and ministry leaders to experience spiritual renewal, deepen theological foundations, and build capacities for missional leadership. A deep need in our world is for churches and ministries to join with God in redeeming a broken world. This program trains, equips, and develops leaders to lead others to join in God’s mission in the world. The program seeks to bring spiritual and missional renewal to the student, missional transformation to the student’s context, and encouragement for the student’s family.

Please see the Doctor of Ministry in the catalog for a full description of the degree and additional requirements.

Click here for in-depth information about HST’s Doctor of Ministry in Missional Leadership.

Below are key emphases of the program.

Biblical and Theological Reflection

Students take courses in Old Testament theology, New Testament theology, and ecclesiology to deepen their theological framework.

Ministry Practice

Students refine and retool around practices of leadership, preaching, and equipping in order to offer effective missional leadership.


Course projects focus on the student’s context and offer guided opportunities for missional transformation. Also, contextual ministry experiences occur during residency weeks.

Social-Science Research

Students are encouraged to do a robust dissertation project utilizing key social-science tools with guidance and accountability.


Students work through seminar-style courses in a co-hort model to encourage spiritual community and peer-learning.


Each course is team-taught by two professors to enrich class discussion and to keep the ministry focus.

Spiritual and Professional Renewal

Each student will receive spiritual direction and coaching for the purposes of spiritual renewal and developing next steps in ministry. Families are encouraged to participate in renewal activities as well.

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Donations help expand our resources to ensure future students receive a cutting-edge education. HST has one of the most robust seminary libraries in the country, thanks largely to generous contributions from the community. Whether you're an HST alumnus, a prospective student, or an enthusiast of theological studies, your support can make a difference.