Tuition and fees for the 2023-2024 academic year:

Tuition for Masters students:

$750/credit hour

Tuition for D.Min. students:

$460/credit hour

Tuition for CSL students:

$450/credit hour ($750 – 40% scholarship)


$27/credit hour

Student Activity Fee:


Estimated Cost of Books and Supplies

Books cost approximately $100 per course. Online students need a computer and a second screen, which could be a monitor, TV, or tablet. Estimated cost for a computer is $400 and a second monitor $100.

Cost of Degrees

Master of Arts

A full-time student may complete this program in two years. Part-time students may complete it in four years.

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$750*x hours required for program:36$27,000
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program36$972
Student Activity Fee per semester:$17x estimated semesters:6$102
Graduation Fee:$140
Total Charges:$28,254
Indirect Costs:** Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Hourly tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The total cost of this degree may be reduced by scholarships.

**Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

A full-time student may complete this program in two years. Part-time students may complete it in four years.

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$750*x hours required for program:48$36,000
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program48$1,296
Student Activity Fee per semester$17x estimated semesters:6$102
Graduation Fee:$140
Total Charges:$37,578
Indirect Costs:** Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Hourly tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The total cost of degrees may be reduced by scholarships and advanced standing.

**Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.

Master of Divinity

A full-time student may complete this program in three years. Part-time students may complete it in six years.

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$750*x hours required for program:75$56,250
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program75$2,025
Student Activity Fee per semester$17x estimated semesters:8$136
Graduation Fee:$140
Total Charges:$58,591
Indirect Costs:** Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Hourly tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The total cost of degrees may be reduced by scholarships and advanced standing.

**Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.

Doctor of Ministry

This degree may be completed in four years.

The tuition is locked in at a reduced rate for four years for D.Min. candidates. A D.Min student is eligible for a one time scholarship that would be applied to the total cost of the program. Scholarships are available from $500 to $2,000. For those entering HST’s D.Min. in Fall 2023, tuition cost is as follows:

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$460*x hours required for program:30$13,800
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program30$810
Student Activity Fee per semester$17x estimated semesters:8$136
Graduation Fee:$140
Dissertation Fees:Two Bound Copies$40$40
Renewal Fee:**$480
Total Charges:$15,446
Indirect Costs:*** Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Hourly tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

**The renewal fee covers the cost for spiritual direction, coaching, and other resources provided to assist the student in professional and spiritual renewal throughout the duration of the program. This one-time fee is paid in the first semester of the program.

***Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.

Certificate in Spiritual Leadership

A full-time student may complete this program in one year. Part-time students may complete it in two years.

The tuition for the Certificate in Spiritual Leadership includes a 40% scholarship. Certificate students will not apply for additional HST scholarship. The tuition cost below is based on 2023-2024 tuition rates and is subject to annual adjustment.

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$450x hours required for program:21$9,450
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program21$567
Student Activity Fee per semester$17x estimated semesters:7$119
Total Charges:$10,176
Indirect Costs:* Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.


Affording Excellent Education

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Funding Sources–Elements of Your Financial Strategy

Five sources for funding your education at Harding School of Theology:

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