Israel-Hamas War: Resisting an Impulse

By Lucas Suddreth | October 27, 2023

Israel-Hamas War: Resisting an Impulse
By Everett Huffard

Psalm 78: Teaching the Next Generation

By Lucas Suddreth | August 25, 2023

Psalm 78: Teaching the Next Generation

Confronting Sex Abuse in the Church Session 3

By Matt Carter | April 13, 2022

Host: Dr. Mark E. Powell – HST dean, Professor of Theology Presenter: Jimmy Hinton – preacher, consultant on sex abuse in the church In this session Hinton discusses Jesus’s Model for Loving and Protecting the Wounded. Important Take-aways: Be aware of language that blames the victim intentionally or unintentionally Help pay for counseling for victims…

Who are We as God’s People?

By Matt Carter | March 21, 2022

What do the Apostles Peter and Paul mean when they refer to the church – both Jewish and Gentile Chrisiains – as the People of God? Join Professor of New Testament Richard Oster as he shares this important Bible study to help us understand the mission of God and the place of the church in…

Confronting Sex Abuse in the Church Session 2

By Matt Carter | March 17, 2022

Host: Dr. Mark E. Powell – HST dean, Professor of Theology Presenter: Jimmy Hinton – preacher, Consultant on Sex Abuse in the Church In this session Hinton discusses why churches typically do not do well in protecting children from abuses. Reasons include: Bad theologies that protect abusers and ignore victims Prioritizing forgiveness above repentance A…

Confronting Sex Abuse in the Church Session 1

By Matt Carter | February 17, 2022

How Abusers Routinely Get Away with Abusing Victims in Front of Our Eyes Due to the graphic nature of some of the content, this video is restricted to age 18 and older. For the purpose of age verification, you must be signed in to YouTube to watch this video. Host: Dr. Mark E. Powell –…

Why Study the Old Testament at HST?

By Matt Carter | September 14, 2021

Dr. Jim Martin, Vice-President of Harding University and HST, sat down with Dr. Lance Hawley, Professor of Old Testament at HST, to discuss the value of studying the Old Testament at HST. Dr. Hawley shares his insight on studying the Old Testament for personal spiritual growth and for congregational ministry. Key Thoughts: If we want…

Ministry Resource: Review of Pursuing God’s Will Together by Dr. Steve Cloer

By Matt Carter | September 14, 2021

Dr. Steve Cloer shares a ministry resource that he will be requiring in a doctoral seminar this fall. The book is Pursuing God’s Will Together* by Ruth Haley Barton, and Dr. Cloer highlights three key prayers from the book that can help any Christian in faithful decision-making. A Prayer of Trust: Lord, we don’t know…

When Good People Disagree – Bob Turner

By Matt Carter | August 11, 2020

Have you noticed that we sometimes argue most strongly about things that are not central to who we are? Bob Turner looks at Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind* and Krister Stendahl’s Three Rules for Religious Understanding to give us a better framework for talking with people with whom we disagree. *(Amazon affiliate link – As…

Gupton and Turner – ReOpening Resources for Churches During COVID-19

By Matt Carter | May 8, 2020

Dr. Carlus Gupton has provided a curated list of resources relating to reopening the church. This is the blog post he references in the video and you’ll find links to many resources on the blog post. In this video, he and Bob Turner discuss twelve pointers for effective reopening. Don’t be in a rush to…