The Development and Reliability of the Bible Part 2: The New Testament

By Matt Carter / August 27, 2020 / Comments Off on The Development and Reliability of the Bible Part 2: The New Testament

Where did the New Testament come from? How did we end up with these 27 books? Key take-aways: The Apostolic Fathers were church leaders who wrote between the end of the first century and the first half of the second century. Their use of the New Testament books in their writings gives us insight into…

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The Development and Reliability of the Bible Part 1: The Old Testament

By Matt Carter / August 21, 2020 / Comments Off on The Development and Reliability of the Bible Part 1: The Old Testament

Where did the Old Testament come from? Is there any reason that Christians should view it as the word of God? Key take-aways: The Bible did not arrive as a leather bound edition. These were individual writings collected in a book. The Old Testament books were written over about a 1,000 year period. We do…

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When Good People Disagree – Bob Turner

By Matt Carter / August 11, 2020 / Comments Off on When Good People Disagree – Bob Turner

Have you noticed that we sometimes argue most strongly about things that are not central to who we are? Bob Turner looks at Jonathan Haidt’s The Righteous Mind* and Krister Stendahl’s Three Rules for Religious Understanding to give us a better framework for talking with people with whom we disagree. *(Amazon affiliate link – As…

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Communion Alone – Matt Carter

By Matt Carter / August 6, 2020 / Comments Off on Communion Alone – Matt Carter

Matt Carter has often said that the one part of worship you cannot do alone is to participate in communion. He may have been wrong … or maybe not. He shares a communion meditation here that offers encouragement to those of us who find ourselves “alone” on a Sunday morning. 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Dr. Matt…

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