Security and Fire Safety Report

Click the link below to access the latest annual Security and Fire Safety Report for the campus at 1000 Cherry Road, Memphis, TN, 38117, as required by law.

HST Annual Security Report 2023

Harding School of Theology is a branch campus of Harding University in Searcy, AR. Harding University Consumer Information.

Legal Statements

Privacy Rights of Parents and Students

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, with which the University intends to comply fully, is designed to protect the privacy of educational records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with the Act.

Institutional Rights and Responsibilities

The graduate catalog represents the offerings and requirements in effect at the time of publication, but there is no guarantee that they will not be changed or revoked. The course offerings and requirements of the institution are continually under examination and revision. However, adequate and reasonable notice will be given to students affected by any changes. This catalog is not intended to state contractual terms and should not be regarded as a contract between the student and the institution. The institution reserves the right to change any provision, offering or requirement, and its effective date. These changes will govern current and readmitted students. Enrollment of all students is subject to these conditions.

Compliance with Federal Law

Harding is committed to the policy of providing equal opportunity for all persons and does not discriminate in admissions, programs, or any other educational functions and services on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, veteran status, religion or disability to those who meet its admission criteria and are willing to uphold its values as stated in the Code of Conduct. In the area of employment, Harding does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, veteran status or disability. Harding, under federal guidelines and as reflected in its Articles of Incorporation, may discriminate as to religion and may adhere to religious tenets regarding the limitation of employment of women in certain preaching and minister roles.

Based upon this commitment, Harding follows the principle of nondiscrimination and operates within applicable federal and state laws prohibiting discrimination. As a recipient of federal financial assistance, Harding is required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, as amended, not to discriminate on the basis of gender in its admission policies, treatment of students, employment practices or educational programs except as required by religious tenets of the churches of Christ. Harding has a nondiscrimination policy available upon request in the offices of Student Life and Human Resources. Inquiries concerning the application of federal and state laws or regulations may be referred to the Office of Human Resources, Box 12257, 915 E. Market Avenue, Searcy, AR 72149-2257; telephone (501) 279-4380. The person to ensure compliance with the nondiscrimination policy and discrimination laws and regulations is the chief financial officer of the University.

Students with Disabilities

It is the policy of Harding University to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal and state law. Any student with a disability who needs accommodation should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course. Students with disabilities are also encouraged to contact Dr. Steve McLeod, the Associate Dean, at (901) 432-7733.

Veterans Benefits

Harding School of Theology has been approved for benefits toward the school expenses of veterans. Eligible students should contact the Veterans Administration in their home state for information on educational benefits for veterans and their dependents.

A Certificate of Eligibility from the Veterans Administration must be submitted to HST when the student registers. The school will then certify the student’s enrollment with the Veterans Administration Regional Processing Office in Atlanta. Online courses are approved for veterans benefits, but extension courses are not.

Students utilizing the Post 9/11 GI Bill® are required by the VA to verify their enrollment monthly with the VA before their monthly housing stipend will be released by the VA. While the VA recommends using their text messaging system, other options include verifying through email or by calling the VA Education Call Center (888-442-4551). If the student misses verifying their monthly enrollment for two months, they will then be required to call the VA Education Call Center before their monthly stipends will be released.

Tennessee Higher Education Commission Information

Authorization Statement

Harding School of Theology is authorized for operation as a postsecondary educational institution by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. In order to view detailed job placement and completion information on the programs offered by Harding School of Theology, please visit and click on the “Authorized Institutions Data” button.

Transferability of Credit

Credits earned at Harding School of Theology may not transfer to another educational institution. Credits earned at another educational institution may not be accepted by Harding School of Theology. You should obtain confirmation that Harding School of Theology will accept any credits you have earned at another educational institution before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement. You should also contact any educational institutions that you may want to transfer credits earned at Harding School of Theology to determine if such institutions will accept credits earned at Harding School of Theology prior to executing an enrollment contract or agreement. The ability to transfer credits from Harding School of Theology to another educational institutions may be very limited. Your credits may not transfer and you may have to repeat courses previously taken at Harding School of Theology if you enroll in another educational institution. You should never assume that credits will transfer to or from any educational institution. It is highly recommended and you are advised to make certain that you know the transfer of credit policy of Harding School of Theology and of any other educational institutions you may in the future want to transfer the credits earned at Harding School of Theology before you execute an enrollment contract or agreement.

Criteria for Transfer of Credit to HST

Graduate credit from accredited institutions may be applied toward degree requirements, subject to the approval of the Admissions Committee. Acceptable institutions should have accreditation with ATS and/or regional accrediting agencies. Transfer courses should be equivalent to the HST course for which they substituting and require sufficient work to justify the number of credit hours granted. Courses that are accepted as electives should be similar to courses offered at HST.

Federal Student Cohort Default Rates

To view Harding School of Theology’s Federal Student Cohort Default Rates click here. Using “Search Database” in the site navigation, search for Harding University in Searcy, AR.

Cost of Degrees

These amounts are reduced by scholarships and advanced standing.

Master of Arts

A full-time student may complete this program in two years. Part-time students may complete it in four years.

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$750*x hours required for program:36$27,000
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program36$972
Student Activity Fee per semester:$17x estimated semesters:6$102
Graduation Fee:$140
Total Charges:$28,254
Indirect Costs:** Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Hourly tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The total cost of this degree may be reduced by scholarships.

**Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.

Master of Arts in Christian Ministry

A full-time student may complete this program in two years. Part-time students may complete it in four years.

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$750*x hours required for program:48$36,000
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program48$1,296
Student Activity Fee per semester$17x estimated semesters:6$102
Graduation Fee:$140
Total Charges:$37,578
Indirect Costs:** Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Hourly tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The total cost of degrees may be reduced by scholarships and advanced standing.

**Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.

Master of Divinity

A full-time student may complete this program in three years. Part-time students may complete it in six years.

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$750*x hours required for program:75$56,250
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program75$2,025
Student Activity Fee per semester$17x estimated semesters:8$136
Graduation Fee:$140
Total Charges:$58,591
Indirect Costs:** Total
Books, Course Materials, Supplies & Equipment (9 hours):$154
Miscellaneous / Personal:$4,525

*Hourly tuition rate for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The total cost of degrees may be reduced by scholarships and advanced standing.

**Amounts reflect an average of actual expenses paid by students. All other items adapted from information obtained from the College Board.

Doctor of Ministry

This degree may be completed in four years.

The tuition is locked in at a reduced rate for four years for D.Min. candidates. A D.Min student is eligible for a one time scholarship that would be applied to the total cost of the program. Scholarships are available from $500 to $2,000. For those entering HST’s D.Min. in Fall 2023, tuition cost is as follows:

Type of Fee Cost Hours Total
Application Fee:$40
Tuition per hour:$455x hours required for program:30$13,350
Technology Fee per hour:$27x hours required for program30$810
Student Activity Fee per semester$17x estimated semesters:8$136
Graduation Fee:$140
Dissertation Fees:Two Bound Copies$40$40
*Renewal Fee:$480
Total Charges$14,996

*The renewal fee covers the cost for spiritual direction, coaching, and other resources provided to assist the student in professional and spiritual renewal throughout the duration of the program. This one-time fee is paid in the first semester of the program.

Statement of Institutional Effectiveness

According to data available at the Tennessee Higher Education Commission website for the 2020 graduating class, the percentage of HST graduates who obtain employment related to their degrees within a year of graduation is 100%.